when the words of the Chinese ambassador to France do not pass



Video length: 2 min.

France 2

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The controversial remarks of the Chinese ambassador to France on Ukraine and the former countries of the USSR caused an outcry. He was received at the Quai d’Orsay.

Lu Shaye, Chinese ambassador to France, made controversial remarks on Ukraine and the former countries of the USSR, Friday, April 21. And this is not his first outing: during the Covid-19 crisis, he accused the French authorities of letting retirees die in nursing homes, and had, another time, accused a French researcher of being a “little punch”. It is considered that these outrageous remarks are intended for a Chinese audience. They are systematically relayed in the Chinese press. Lu Shaye is part of the so-called “fighting wolves”a caste of diplomats, which appeared about ten years ago, and which, at the cost of outrageous declarations, is responsible for defending abroad the image of an invincible, infallible China.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry was forced to backpedal

The problem here is that he may have been a little too zealous. In essence, he indicated that Ukraine was not a sovereign country. By saying this, he is rewriting history and going against what his own government is saying. The Chinese authorities have recognized the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine since its creation, as well as of the other former republics of the USSR. As a result, the Chinese Foreign Ministry was forced to backpedal by saying that Lu Shaye had probably stated a personal opinion. The ambassador’s remarks have been deleted from the website of the Chinese Embassy in Paris. The French authorities have decided to delay, and Lu Shaye was received at the Quai d’Orsay, Monday, April 24, where he was lectured, says Etienne Leenhardt, head of international service.

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