this Belgian television sketch parodying Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Borne goes around social networks

On the set of Tipik’s “Grand Cactus”, comedians Kody Kim and Isabelle Hauben parodied the duo of French executive power.

Spicy, this Large Cactus. An excerpt from this talk show from the Belgian public channel Tipik, broadcast on April 6, has made people smile and cringe in recent days. The video, taken up and shared thousands of times on Twitter or Facebook during the weekend of April 22, shows two actors discussing the political situation in France. And the Head of State and the Prime Minister take it for their rank.

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After an editorial signed by the co-presenter, Jérôme de Warzée, on the pension reform where he does not hesitate to ridicule “an angry French people, a yelling French people, a French people, what…”, the monthly show The Great Cactus then welcomes on its set – behind barricades and to the sound of Song of the partisans –, the heads of the French executive. Blue suit for the Head of State and electronic cigarette for the Prime Minister: “I don’t feel very comfortable here“, slips the actress Isabelle Hauben. Her sidekick, Kody Kim, then introduces her to the public as Élisabeth Borne and then wipes the boos of the public. “Thank you, thank you, I feel better“, she smiles then, ironically to make understand the unpopularity of the measures recently taken on this side of the border.

“I would like to greet the Belgian people…”

Installed at the table of the show which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2021, the duo goes over the grill with questions: pension reform, 49.3… and even the garbage collectors’ strike – with the arrival of a giant rat “tattoo” on the tray, “very happy with the current situation“. Asked by Jérôme de Warzée about the days of demonstrations, the duo have fun: “Protest movements? Have you seen protest movements, Mr. President?“, launches the false Prime Minister. And the Head of State to reply, doubtful: “You know, the French people are a proud people, who knew how to go through their history. It is a people who have never hesitated to expose their anger, their fear, their doubts…“Yes, they are idiots“, slice the actress Isabelle Hauben, under the laughter.

A loudmouth who grumbles all the time and doesn’t know what to do with his little hands, he’s a Frenchman”, then slips Kody “Macron” Kim, showing an illustration … of a dinosaur. And to add:Of course, I want to salute the Belgian people who never flinched while their government raised the retirement age to 67.“So, there, they are even more idiots!“, slips the Prime Minister, before making a (poor) imitation of the Belgian accent. As for the use of 49.3, the false President indicates: “I’ll tell you what democracy is, it’s when I decide what’s good for my country“. And the false Prime Minister to reply: “Yes, because the French are all idiots!“.

It was enough to make Internet users react, who shared the video on the various social networks as soon as the program was broadcast in early April. Before a runaway since April 20, with an extract taken up and commented on Twitter.

The entertainment show attracts an average of 230,000 French-speaking Belgian viewers, according to Tipik. Not sure, however, that the duo of the French executive will return to the set anytime soon. As for the next program, broadcast on April 27 at 8:35 p.m., it will return, this time, to Gims’ comments on electricity in Egypt. An entire program.

source site-29