what to remember from the day of Sunday April 24

The French government has announced deliveries of boats and buses to kyiv.

Aid for Ukrainian transport infrastructure. France promised, Sunday April 23, to make “donation of pilot boats”, to send “additional buses to Ukraine to provide school transport, in addition to the thirty vehicles already delivered”, and of “provide 20,000 tons of rails, to rebuild several hundred kilometers of railways”. Franceinfo takes stock of what to remember from Sunday April 23 on the war front.

France promises to provide boats, buses and railways to kyiv

As Ukraine’s transport infrastructure was badly damaged by the Russian invasion, the French government promised on Sunday to provide boats, buses and railway tracks to Kiev. At the end of a four-day visit to Ukraine, the Minister Delegate for Transport, Clément Beaune, called on French companies, “right now”To “to be there, especially in the transport sector”.

In the meantime, France has promised to do “donation of pilot boats”, to send “additional buses to Ukraine to provide school transport, in addition to the thirty vehicles already delivered”, and of “provide 20,000 tons of rails, to rebuild several hundred kilometers of railways”.

kyiv denounces an “absurd version” of the history of Crimea, after the remarks of the Chinese ambassador to France

The adviser to the Ukrainian presidency, Mykhaïlo Podoliak, on Sunday called on the Chinese ambassador to France to “do not repeat the propaganda” Russian, after his polemical remarks. Friday on LCI, Lu Shaye had affirmed that Crimea, Ukrainian territory annexed by Moscow in 2014, “was at the very beginning to Russia”.

The statements of the Chinese representative also made French diplomacy react. The Quai d’Orsay reported on Saturday that it had “acknowledged with dismay” of these remarks, asking China “to say [s’ils] reflect its position, which we hope is not the case”.

Moscow “will not forgive” the United States for refusing to issue visas to Russian journalists

“We will not forget, we will not forgive”, Sergei Lavrov warned on Sunday. The head of Russian diplomacy reacted after the refusal of the United States, according to him, to provide visas to Russian journalists accompanying the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Monday and Tuesday at the headquarters of the UN in New York. Russia holds the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council this month, in the midst of a military offensive in Ukraine.

His Deputy Minister Sergei Ryabkov had earlier stated that despite “contacts several times in recent days” at the initiative of Moscow, Washington “did not issue visas” to “journalists supposed to accompany Sergey Lavrov on his trip” in the USA. The US State Department told AFP it routinely issues visas to Russian delegates for UN events, but pointed to restrictions on embassy staff from the United States to Moscow, to explain the processing times.

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