“The crisis has also brought about a strong mobilization” according to Thierry Mazabraud, of the Secours Populaire de Haute-Vienne

The Secours Populaire de Haute-Vienne launched its Green Santa Claus campaign on Wednesday, to offer gifts to the least privileged children. More than a thousand Upper Viennese families are helped within the framework of this operation, but the rest of the year the beneficiaries are even more numerous and the association expects a difficult winter. Guest of France Bleu Limousin this Thursday morning, Thierry Mazabraud, Secretary General of Secours Populaire de Haute-Vienne, indicated that “_8,800 people had been helped in Haute-Vienne in 2020_, and this year we expect increasing figures, which is the translation of what the health crisis has brought about as difficulty and as precariousness in many homes“.

The health and economic crisis has also precipitated new audiences into difficulty. Particularly in 2020, “with complicated situations for those who were already in interim or in partial activity, self-entrepreneurs, students, young people, families for whom it was already a little complicated, all this added to the difficulty where there is already had some“said the Haut-Viennese secretary of Secours Populaire.

The Haut-Viennois even more generous since the start of the health crisis

Asked about the study of the Observatory of generosity unveiled this morning by France Bleu, and according to which the financial donations of the French are in very slight decline, Thierry Mazabraud welcomed the opposite finding in Haute-Vienne. “_In 2020, we had an unprecedented mobilization, we collected more than 100,000 euros more in the department_, this means that the health crisis has also brought about a strong mobilization (…) and a lot of generosity from our fellow citizens“. In-kind donations are also very massive,”We also broke all the records in 2021, we also realize that those who give financially are also those who give materially for many of them“he clarified.

In 2020, we had an unprecedented mobilization, we collected more than 100,000 euros more in the department

Finally, while other associations, such as the Restos du coeur, lack of volunteers, Thierry Mazabraud indicated that the Secours Populaire was not aware of this phenomenon. “It was complicated during the first period of confinement, with retired volunteers who stepped back, but since then they have largely returned. They also realized that there was this _need for commitment, social relations_, of this idea of ​​being in contact with others“he concluded.

> Info and donations to Secours Populaire de Haute-Vienne: spf87.org

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