Wish granted! | The duty

Prime Minister Legault expressed aloud last week his wish for a relaxation of health measures so that 20 or 25 people can gather for Christmas. Faced with critics who accused him of putting unnecessary pressure on public health officials, Mr. Legault explained that he was only expressing his desire, and that the decision was up to Dr Arruda and Minister Dubé. Sure ! Those who wondered how the Dr Arruda could act independently given his duties as deputy minister were answered Tuesday afternoon. Time was running out… As for Minister Dubé, did he really have the “stature” necessary to resist the wishes of his boss? Perhaps the decision to expand the meetings to 20 vaccinated people will be, a posteriori, the maid. We wish it. Let us also rely on the common sense of our fellow citizens. The problem that emerges is that of the independence of the Quebec public health authority from the political authority. Until recently, Prime Minister Legault had generally acted, as it should be, “like a good father” (excuse the gender expression!). But his clear and supported desire for an expansion of health relief last week leaves one wondering. To what extent was Mr. Legault motivated, first and foremost, by the desire to please voters? “To please” and “to protect” are not necessarily opposites, nor are they synonyms. In a pandemic period, we would like to be reassured, and not worried, by the public health decision-making process.

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