Marcel Bluwal, father of Vidocq, died at the age of 96



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Marcel Bluwal passed away on Saturday 23 October, at the age of 96. He was the director of Vidocq, a popular soap opera with Claude Brasseur in the title role.

Visionary, Marcel Bluwal already imagined in 1970 the success of today’s series. I believe that the soap opera will advance, it will be better and better, more and more powerful “, he predicted then. He also believes in television to bring the classics to as many people as possible. In the 60s and 70s, he thus made adaptations of Victor Hugo, Marivaux and Molière.

“Television is for me the middle meeting point between the theater and its verbal intentions, and the cinema and its visual intentions”, he confided. Marcel Bluwal, long committed to the Communist Party, had a demanding and popular culture vision, and saw television as “the main cultural instrument for all French people”. He is silent turned towards the theater in the 80s, before returning to the small screen, at more than 80 years old.

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