The new closure of nightclubs

“The most cruel measure of the new measures taken by Jean Castex is the closure of nightclubs for four weeks. Ah, the nightclubs during the Covid, it’s like the Senegalese riflemen during the First World War. It’s them. which are expensive first. Yes, the bag is re-finished. Castex advised that we end the meetings with too many people. Well, for the moment, it’s fine. Anne Hidalgo will be able to continue her meetings. her letter to Santa Claus, she asked him for voices, but he replied: I am not Jesus, I give gifts myself, not miracles. “

We are not immune to making a good show

Find your daily dose of good humor with Willy Rovelli and his tribe in “We are not immune to making a good show”, every day from 12h to 13h on France Bleu.

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