“I know it’s serious, I shouldn’t have”, a famous candidate from “Koh-Lanta” promotes a supposed miracle treatment against cancer and ends up apologizing!

Product placement on the chain, delivery defects, dropshipping… For several months, influencers, and more particularly reality TV candidates, have been scrutinized by Internet users. And for good reason, since the rapper Booba decided to wage a war against what he calls the “influence-thieves”, each publication of the latter is carefully examined… And this is how Dylan Thiry, a former candidate of Koh Lanta and Princes of Love found itself at the heart of a vast controversy.

In November 2022, the one who is followed by more than a million subscribers on Instagram took the floor to promote a pseudo-cancer treatment. “I promise you I’m telling you the truth”, he declared via his story, before evokingr “something that cures cancer cells”. “If we have carcinogenic cells in our body, this product kills them”he explained.

“It is not sold in France or in Europe because it is prohibited. They don’t want it, it’s much more interesting for them that you go to the hospital and pay a blind,” saidThe 28-year-old was also sure. Scandalous posts which had made the management of the National Cancer Institute react, which had wanted to remind our colleagues at TF1 that “People who claim to have a miracle cure to fight cancer are irresponsible. They are based on the disarray of patients who may, to the detriment of their health, decide to stop the treatments prescribed by medical teams and put their lives in danger”.

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“I was naive”

Interviewed by Sam Zirah for his YouTube channel on April 16, 2023, Dylan Thiry returned to these Instagram posts. “Do you see a promo code? Do you see a website? This is not product placement “, he told the reporter before letting it be known that he had not been paid to speak about this pseudo-treatment.

“When I was introduced to the product – they’re all over the world, they’re in Switzerland, it’s everywhere – I just couldn’t believe it. And me, I just took my story and explained that. I believed it. I shouldn’t have, that’s for sure. It is a mistake. I was naive, I was told, I swung”he admitted all the same…

As a reminder, the ex-reality TV candidate is not at his first controversy. In January 2023, our colleagues from Release also revealed that five people had filed a complaint against the influencer for “breach of trust” in the context of online kitties intended to finance his humanitarian trips.

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