French policy “has not changed”, assures the Minister of Industry to Taiwanese companies

France “opposes any modification of the status quo” on the status of the island claimed by China, assures Roland Lescure, in reaction to criticisms having targeted statements by the President of the Republic.

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Industry Minister Roland Lescure leaves the Elysée after a Council of Ministers, March 22, 2023. (ARTHUR N. ORCHARD / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

Gathered in Paris for a conference on Saturday April 15, hundreds of representatives of Taiwanese companies received a visit from the Minister of Industry, Roland Lescure. He returned to the controversy born of Emmanuel Macron’s remarks about Taiwan on his return from China in early April. The position of France on the status of the island, claimed by Beijing, has not changed, he assures.

“I was with our President Emmanuel Macron in Amsterdam a few days ago and he was very clear, both in private and in public: our policy towards Taiwan has not changed, France supports peace and stability from the start and opposes any change to the status quo”said Roland Lescure.

On Sunday, on returning from his visit to China, Emmanuel Macron said he did not want to adopt a position “follower” vis-à-vis the United States in the thorny file of Chinese claims on Taiwan. On Wednesday, in Amsterdam, he had defended these criticized remarks, explaining that being “ally” of the United States did not mean to be “vassal”.

Taiwan and France maintain “very good business relations”bilateral trade amounting to 8.1 billion euros, Roland Lescure also recalled on Saturday, calling on the Taiwanese to invest in France.

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