“President Macron continues in his brutal behavior”, judge Charles de Courson

“A democrat must respect the people, whether it pleases them or not”, launched this Saturday on franceinfo the deputy (Liot) of the 5th district of the Marne.

“President Macron continues in his brutal behavior. He must be brought to his senses”reacted on Saturday April 15 on franceinfo Charles de Courson, deputy for Independent Freedoms Overseas and Territories (Liot) of the Marne, after the validation by the Constitutional Council of the essential pension reform and the promulgation of the law by Emmanuel Macron.

The head of state “is an ultra-minority in the country and has no majority in the National Assembly”, says Charles de Courson. According to the MP for the 5th district of Marne, “everyone knows what would have happened, if there had been a normal vote on this text”. “One can always think in a democracy that one is right against the people. But a democrat must respect the people, whether they like it or not.”insists the deputy.

“The political crisis and the social crisis continue.”

Charles of Courson

on franceinfo

The centrist MP notes that the government “behaves bravado by saying ‘We are right and we are going to impose’. This is not respectful of political democracy, but also of social democracy”.

After the promulgation of the law, Emmanuel Macron wins “A Pyrrhic Victory”tackles the deputy of the Marne. “He had other choices”such as resorting to “Article 11 of the Constitution, that is to say submit to referendum. He also had the possibility of dissolving [son gouvernement], noting that he had no majority in the National Assembly. And everyone knows what would have happened and how the voters would have sanctioned it.” But Emmanuel Macron “continues to have a dominant behavior by wanting to impose its will against the French people”.

What weapons for the opposition?

For Charles de Courson, other means are now available to the opposition to continue their fight against the reform. “We can always file amendments in the future Social Security financing law to repeal this provision.” But the member notes that “many people had placed too much hope in the Constitutional Council”.

The sages did “control at least, he canceled six provisions in three or four was obvious”. But the Council, observes Charles de Courson, “did not want to take a very clear position on the abusive use, in our view, of the amending Social Security financing law. He even said that the government had the choice between an ordinary law and this law of corrective funding for Social Security. It’s serious”.

>> Pension reform: after the validation of the text by the Constitutional Council, how can the executive consider the rest?

Charles de Courson now fears that “all successive governments rush into the breach opened by the Constitutional Council”. It will be “parliamentarians to see if it is not necessary to supplement the organic law relating to the laws of financing of Social Security to prevent this”adds the deputy (Liot) of the 5th district of the Marne.

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