Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and the teams of “C à vous” set on fire by Internet users after the arrival of Frédéric Beigbeder!

Since the release of his book “Confessions of a Slightly Overwhelmed Heterosexual” unveiled on April 5, Frédéric Beigbeder continues interviews to promote it. This Thursday, April 13, 2023, the writer was also invited to the set of “C à vous” to present it to viewers. Facing the camera, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine bounced back on the past escapades of her guest of the day. Hot topic that he also mentioned in his essay.

“That’s the purpose of the book. The book wants to create a debate”, defended the husband of Lara Micheli.“It’s great that there is controversy because basically… Having controversies over a book is better than arguing over TikTok videos”. “This book is controversial because either, you ask forgiveness, you confess, but you do everything to stir up controversy. So that we hate you a little more”, assured Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine.

To support his statements, the ex-girlfriend of Mustapha El Atrassi then cited his own confessions: “You claim ‘an anti-sexist combatant medal'”. “I’m referring to ‘Help Pardon’ which is a novel I published in 2007 which denounced sexism in the modeling world”, explained his interlocutor. “And worse than that, the touts who bring underage girls […]. It was in 2007 so the Me#Too 2017 movement… Do the math!”

see also:

“It’s provocation…”

A point of view that did not completely convince Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine: “It’s provocation. You don’t really think of being an activist.” What Frédéric Beigbeder replied to put an end to the debate: “This medal doesn’t exist. Anyway, I feel that I’m not going to get it… I think we all agree on that”. On Twitter, many Internet users commented on their exchange.

And obviously, the arrival of Frédéric Beigbeder had the merit of dividing them: “Undrinkable this guy, pretentious, junk writer, collects everything he can to get a boost. Without me”, “Shame on you for inviting this kind of individual”, “Nothing understood of the hyper aggressive attitude by Madame Lemoine with Frédéric B […]. Not very open as an attitude… It disappoints me (…). I really believed in your openness”, “Beigbeder don’t change anything! You have fallen into a gaucho wasp nest. Well done the Lemoine who in off tells you that she liked your book and who faces the camera plays outraged in front of your truths and your sincerity “.


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