Emmanuel Macron’s trip to the Netherlands disrupted by protesters for the second time in two days

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1:02 p.m. : Between 400,000 and 600,000 demonstrators are expected tomorrow to participate in the 12th day of mobilization against the pension reform, according to a note from territorial information that France Télévisions was able to consult. Since the beginning of the mobilization, and in the context of the school holidays in zone A, this is the lowest forecast of the information which however expects new modes of action after the decision of the Constitutional Council on Friday.

11:40 a.m. : If the Constitutional Council validates the pension reform on Friday, “it will be a 49.3 in terms of anger in the country, with spontaneous mobilizations“, predicts Manon Aubry. “To wash away the anger of the country, it must withdraw this law, there is no other alternative”, added on Europe 1 the rebellious MEP. Follow our live.

11:10 a.m. : Marine Le Pen promises that RN deputies “will respect” the opinion that the Constitutional Council will give on Friday on the pension reform. “We are not going to destroy cars or street furniture but we tell the French that they can make this reform a bad memory by going to vote for the RN”explained the former presidential candidate on BFMTV.

10:40 a.m. : Brice Hortefeux hailed on Public Senate the pension reform, which he considers “as needed”. But the MEP LR in passing quipped about the Head of State: “According to a well-known expression, baraka is part of good management. There, unquestionably, it has turned.”

10:12 a.m. : Pension reform ➡ “Tomorrow, in Bordeaux as everywhere in France, people will be able to demonstrate without fear, being positively supervised by the police and the gendarmerie”, says Gérald Darmanin on France Bleu Gironde https://t.co/vDgLlwxSJa

10:12 a.m. : Very criticized for the management of the maintenance of order during the recent demonstrations against the pension reform, Gérald Darmanin rounds the angles. The Minister of the Interior assures France Blue Gironde that “Ipeople will be able to demonstrate without fear” tomorrow, on the occasion of the 12th day of mobilization.

09:30 : Regarding her meeting with the Prime Minister yesterday, Marine Le Pen reports that“Elisabeth Borne invites the presidents of the groups to tell them that there will be a slowdown in parliamentary work (…), so in reality we have no visibility on the texts”.

09:30 : “We did everything in our power to fight against this reform.”

Guest of BFMTV, Marine Le Pen responded to comments on her absence from the debate. The leader of the deputies of the National Rally accuses the Nupes of having made “obstruction” and of “bear responsibility for the implementation of this reform”.

09:09 : Good morning @Drou, I have no information concerning a blockage of the University of Tours, but the student union of the Solidaires Etudiant-es Tours university is planning two meetings today, at 5 p.m. and then at 10 p.m. We know, however, by France Bleu Armoriquethat a blockage is taking place in front of the premises of Rennes 2 University.

08:56 : Good morning. We do not hear about blocked universities, yet that of Tours, for example, is still against the pension reform.

08:34 : Without waiting for tomorrow’s mobilization day, several blocking actions have been underway since this morning all over France. At 8 a.m., Bison Futé counted, for example, about twenty kilometers of traffic jams on the Nantes ring road.

07:50 : About twenty members of the CFDT have been blocking the Auchan refrigeration site in Vendenheim (Bas-Rhin), near Strasbourg since yesterday evening. The platform supplies fresh, frozen and fruit and vegetable products to supermarkets throughout eastern France.

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