his wife threatens to leave him for an “incredible” reason!

His journey is punctuated by deep descents, healings, oblivions and comebacks in full light… with the only line of life: song. At 70, Renaud made a new comeback in 2022 by leaving metic, an album revisiting 13 great titles from the French repertoire. And by offering a tour running until July of this year. This Sunday, April 9, BFM TV devotes a special Renaud Confidential where, against a backdrop of sound and television archives, his entourage and a few song specialists return to the unique trajectory of this popular, anguished and touching artist. We learn in particular the strange fate of his greatest hit: Winner Mistral. A title born in 1985 when the singer was in Los Angeles to record an album… Alone, far from his wife and daughter, he has the blues. He then begins to imagine a few notes and then to hum “To sit on a bench, fiveminutes, with you… And watch people, as long as there are…” on the phone with Dominique, his wife. But he’s not sure if he wants to save it. And the incredible story would be that she would have answered him: “If you don’t save it, I’m leaving you!”.

She was married to Gérard Lanvin for 8 years!

It was in 1975 that Renaud met Dominique. It is also the year of his first album Panama lovers and his dazzling title Hexagon. She is an actress, stage manager, decorator… best troupe leader at La Pizza du Marais. A very fashionable café-théâtre where everyone meets. Renaud, who is beginning to make a name for himself, frequents the place assiduously. He finds there the friends of the Splendid – Thierry Lhermitte, Michel Blanc, Gérard Jugnot, Christian Clavier, Josiane Balasko…-, and those of La Veuve Pichard, Dominique’s team, including Martin Lamotte, Roland Giraud and Anemone in its ranks. Without forgetting Gérard Lanvin, actor then unknown, but especially the husband of Dominique for eight years! But between the two young artists, love at first sight is irremediable. In 1980, Dominique divorced Gérard, married the singer and gave birth to Lolita. She will become his “Girl” for nearly twenty years. And, with her by his side, the success will only grow… until threatening him and forcing him to record Winner Mistral, elected in 2015, favorite French song of all time!


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