Canadian released on conditions upon return from Syria

(OTTAWA) A former detainee from a camp in Syria who returned home this week has been released in Edmonton on a peace bond.

The RCMP detachment in Alberta said the 38-year-old Canadian would have to meet several other conditions.

The woman was one of a group of six women and 13 children whom Global Affairs Canada agreed to repatriate in January from detainee camps in northeast Syria. Four of them and ten children returned this week.

Two of these women are currently being held in Brampton, Ontario. They are expected to appear on Tuesday for parole.

The fourth woman has not been arrested.

The 10 children have been placed in the care of relatives, said Lawrence Greenspon, an Ottawa lawyer who helped bring the women home.

Me Greenspon added that the other two women and three children were not on the return flight. He ignores the reasons.

“I am confident that Global Affairs Canada will continue to do in good faith what it said it would do, which is to bring home these two women and three children,” he commented. . They are war refugees. They lived in an area occupied by the Kurds who asked other countries to come and collect their nationals. »

Like many other nationals from other countries, these women and children have been detained for several years in camps run by Kurdish forces, which have regained control of the region previously occupied by the armed group Daesh.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said last month that countries like Canada had a responsibility to repatriate their nationals. He added that these people were living “in the worst conditions”.

Alexandra Bain of Families Against Violent Extremism says she is trying to help another 32 Canadians return home.

Canadian authorities have accepted that six other children be repatriated, but without their mother, because federal officials have not completed the security assessment of this Quebecer. RCMP officers recently visited the camps to question the Canadian women, but since they did not speak French, the woman could not understand them, said Bath.

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