the host looks back on the day he surprised the French!

Every week, Jean-Luc Reichmann brings together thousands of French people in front of his flagship program “The 12 noon shots” on TF1. Constantly complicit with the public and the candidates, the host seduces the crowds. His sympathy and his contagious good humor leave no one unmoved! If he is very comfortable in front of the cameras, this has not always been the case. For a long time, the companion of Nathalie Lecoultre was complexed by his wine stain located on the nose.

During his youth, Jean-Luc Reichmann suffered enormously from the many taunts about him. Wanting to overcome it, the star even tried to make her angioma disappear thanks to the laser… Without success. But over the years, the presenter has learned to love this feature! Something that was not easy… Especially at the start of his career. Before becoming an emblematic figure of the Athe main interested party illustrated himself on France 2.

see also:

“But what happened to him?”

In 1995, Jean-Luc Reichmann officiated as an animator on the set of “Z’amours”. It is also thanks to this program that he ended up assuming his birthmark on television. The fault with a small incident which took place before the turning of a number. As he was about to present a new edition, the actor rubbed his nose… Thus erasing all the makeup that hid his angioma: “In the frenzy, they (the teams’ editor’s note) didn’t notice it right away and then at the time, my boss was Yves Bigot. I said to him: ‘You know I look less and less like myself without the task”.

Words that would have stunned his interlocutor: “He said to me, ‘You know […] all the same, the colored shoes, the stain’. I say to him: ‘Excuse me? […]. Ok, you choose between the pumps of color and the stain and the nose of color’ […]. He burst out laughing and said to me: ‘Are you dumb or what?’. And it started like that, gradually […]”. With philosophy, Jean-Luc Reichmann thus underlined: At first, it’s violent for viewers: ‘But what happened to him?’ […]. And then gradually, they adhere to this fight on the difference”.


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