the number of recruitments will remain at a very high level in 2023

These highly educated employees benefit from a lack of manpower in many sectors such as digital and ecological transition. A dynamism that does not benefit seniors, however.

In 2022, companies recruited nearly 310,000 executives on permanent or fixed-term contracts of more than a year, according to Apec, the association for executive employment. This is a sign that, despite inflation, the war in Ukraine, the rise in the cost of energy, or even the lack of geopolitical visibility, the bosses have hired massively.

>> Employment: behind the scenes of the tough battle that companies are waging to recruit executives

Despite sluggish growth, we are exceeding the recruitment levels of 2019, before the Covid crisis. On the job market, skills are in demand. It’s a talent war. More than ever, recruiters are trying to make efforts in terms of compensation. To convince the candidate to take the position, most increase the salary displayed on the advertisement by at least 5%. They also tend to favor internal promotions, to push their teams. And then, this situation benefits young people. A year after graduation, Apec notes that nearly 90% of bac + 5 have a job. This too is a record. On the other hand, access to employment remains difficult for seniors, age remains a brake.

The energy transition and digital are hiring

Always IT, data processing, all jobs around data, R&D, research and development, but also consulting, legal services, accounting, all positions that also concern the energy transition. Sign that these hirings respond to investments for the future. On the other hand, industry, trade or construction promise to mark time a little in terms of recruitment.

Regional disparities

Recruitment should remain at a very high level in 2023, roughly in the same proportions, around 300,000 recruitments, predicts Apec. However, regional disparities are to be expected. Ile-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, PACA and Pays de la Loire should continue to have a very dynamic job market. A little less, on the other hand, on the side of the heights of France, or the Grand Est region.

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