“We are very satisfied with the effect obtained in vaccinated adolescents”, explains pediatrician Anne Sylvestre Michot-Cottias



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On the tray of 23 hours of Franceinfo Monday December 6, Doctor Anne Sylvestre Michot-Cottias, pediatrician and member of the group “Activ“research in epidemiology, analyzes what the vaccination of the youngest could bring in the fight against the epidemic of Covid-19.

Pediatrician and member of the “Activ” group for epidemiology research, Doctor Anne Sylvestre Michot-Cottias discusses the possible vaccination against Covid-19 for 5-11 year olds in France. “It is an important link of transmission, now, whereas before, we said ‘no, they did not participate in the transmission'”, she declares on the Franceinfo 23 hours set on Monday 6 December. “We have been able to observe, for example, that adolescents, those who are in college, who are now immunized thanks to the vaccine, no longer participate, or at least participate much less, in the transmissibility of Covid-19, so we are very satisfied with the effect obtained in vaccinated adolescents. ”

France Télévisions journalist Gaël Giordana highlights the results of surveys carried out by Public Health France among French people on their mental state. “At the beginning of November, 17% of French people showed signs of a depressive state, they were only 10% before the pandemic. They are 23% to show signs of anxiety, they were 14% in 2019. Other lessons: two thirds of French people suffer from sleep disorders, 49% before the epidemic. And suicidal thoughts: 10%, a figure doubled “, he describes, recalling that “the different confinements correspond to peaks of depression in France”.

Anne Sylvestre Michot-Cottias believes that for “everything that concerns elementary school students, these have developed anguish of death, in fact. Not all of them, of course, but regularly, we ask questions to find out how they feel about Covid-19, what Does that mean to them? There is often the word ‘death’ that comes up, anyway “. She explains that we “also notes the evolution towards obsessive-compulsive disorders with important washing rituals and children who can no longer go out”.

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