Canadians believe Trudeau spends too much

Nearly half of Canadians believe Justin Trudeau’s government spends too much, according to a recent poll.

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Commissioned by the Angus Reid Institute, the poll asked Canadians about the recent budget announced by the Liberal Party of Canada (PLQ), which provides for spending of $43 billion in the coming years.

45% of respondents thought the Liberal government was spending too much, while 33% thought it was the right approach. 22% did not answer, or had no opinion on the subject.

This information is also published while Justin Trudeau is currently traveling across Quebec to promote his budget.

In particular, the Prime Minister continues to defend his dental program, even if the bill is much higher than what was initially announced.

The New Democratic Party (NDP) announced in 2021 a budget of $11 billion for the dental plan.

But barely seven months later, the PLQ rather estimated the cost of the dental plan at $5.3 billion over five years.

Last week, the government instead announced, in its federal budget, that the cost of the program was now $13 billion.

“The increase in the cost of dental care is because we have underestimated the needs that people have to be able to send their children to the dentist in an affordable way,” explained Justin Trudeau.

“In a rich country like Canada, it’s not right that we don’t have dental care for everyone,” he added.

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