this day when the actor “disappeared” for 48 hours!

Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine was in charge of a new number of “C à vous” this Tuesday, December 7, 2021. The host of France 5 received two distinguished guests: Josiane Balasko and Carole Bouquet.

Carole Bouquet has also made astonishing secrets about the difficulty of a career in cinema. The actress said: “Today someone would come up saying ‘I want to be an actress’ and I have some around me, I don’t encourage them.” An opinion shared by Josiane Balasko who estimated: “The most difficult in our profession is to find work”. If Josiane Balasko and Carole Bouquet, thanks to their immense careers, do not encounter this problem, they mainly speak of actors who are new to the profession.

Josiane Balasko and Carole Bouquet know each other well. They were featured in the film “Too Beautiful For You” released in 1989. The two actresses also told an incredible anecdote that occurred on the set of the feature film directed by Bertrand Blier. While Gérard Depardieu was starring in the film, the actor disappeared from the shoot. “He still annoyed us a little at one point, he disappeared. And Josiane said: ‘I’m going to look for him’. Because Bertrand (the director, Editor’s note) found it moderately funny and Josiane found him at a baker. He had been there for 48 hours baking bread in the basement. ” A memory that is both unusual and striking! What is certain is that the director really did not appreciate the behavior of Gérard Depardieu. “He was drunk with rage,” says Carole Bouquet about Bertrand Blier. It must be said that Gérard Depardieu did strong! When he reappeared, the actor was “slightly pompous” and in his stage costume, details Carole Bouquet. Josiane Balasko remembers the baker’s reaction, very surprised to see Gérard Depardieu unload in his shop in the middle of the night. And we can understand it!


See also: Patrick Bruel: Gérard Depardieu attacks him in the middle of a concert!

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