his early fans on Instagram are demanding immediate action from those around him!

The Pierre Palmade case continues! On February 10, 2022, the famous humorist hit the headlines because of the terrible road accident he caused in Seine-et-Marne. While driving under the influence of cocaine, the actor violently collided with a vehicle which was coming from the front… With on board, a six-month-pregnant woman who lost her baby, the driver and her six-year-old son years. Being in serious condition, all were immediately hospitalized.

While on trial for “manslaughter and manslaughter”, on March 14, the investigating chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal confirmed the release under judicial supervision of the actor. However, Pierre Palmade has “the ban on leaving the hospital where he is”, underlined the prosecution in its press release. In its deliberation, the investigating chamber considered that “Pierre Palmade’s state of health was not compatible with continued detention”but “the evolution of this state of health reduced the risks which had based the decision of placement in pre-trial detention”.

see also:

“Is it really useful to lynch a man who is already on the ground?”

As a reminder, the artist was also the victim of a stroke. For her part, her sister Hélène Palmade via AFP had expressed her dismay: “The idea of ​​having destroyed the life of this family devastates him. He prays and we with him, so that [les victimes] come out with as few consequences as possible. He prays. He really prays. He only thinks of them. […] As vain as it may seem, Peter asks their forgiveness from the depths of his soul”.

On the Web and in the media, stars and anonymous people, everyone has their own little commentary. To date, Pierre Palmade’s Instagram account continues to generate multiple reactions. While some are quite virulent about him, others deplore the harassment he is subjected to: “I am speaking to the people who hold Pierre Palmade’s page… Can you moderate this page so that so much hate is no longer poured out? […]”, “Is it very useful to lynch a man already on the ground and who will probably never be able to get up […] ?”, “If you don’t like Palmade, you don’t have to do anything on his page […]“, “You should simply delete your account, it becomes disgusting to read all these hate messages…”. It remains to be seen whether those close to Pierre Palmade will act accordingly…


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