The Minister of Transformation and Public Service was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo” on Thursday March 30, 2023.
Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Transformation and Public Service, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo, Thursday March 30, 2023. He answered questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.
Plan eau: “The administrations must be exemplary”, launches the Minister of the Public Service
“Our administrations must be exemplary” in terms of water management, launches this Thursday the Minister of Public Service, while President Emmanuel Macron must present the government’s water plan during the day. Stanislas Guerini believes that the administrations must contribute to “collective effort“as much as”the perimeter of the state [représente] 22 million cubic meters“.”If we save 10%, it’s like erasing the water consumption of a city like Angoulême, it’s giving back three Olympic swimming pools every day to our farmers and to all those who need water in the country.“, adds the Minister. To do this, Stanislas Guerini ensures that “common sense measures“will be taken, as deployment”water saving kits, aerators on the taps or devices to save on flushing“.
Meeting between Elisabeth Borne and the inter-union: “The government does not intend to abandon the 64-year-olds”, says Stanislas Guerini
While the unions have an appointment on April 6 in Matignon to meet Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, the Minister of the Public Service lays down some conditions for a “respectful dialogue“.”The government has no intention of saying it is abandoning the 64-year-old“, assures Stanislas Guerini. He specifies that the executive has not either”abandoned its ambition to balance our pension system“. He maintains that says that the unions “can talk about all subjects“, even of the pension reform. He evokes in particular the questions “end-of-career planning, gradual retirement and prevention of professional wear and tear“.
Pension reform: “We decided not to change the system” for civil servants, supports the Minister of the Public Service
“We decided not to change the system“of pensions for civil servants, supports the Minister of the Civil Service, Stanislas Guerini. He assures however that civil servants will be able to”work part-time at the end of their career while maintaining a level of remuneration“. This gradual retirement will take place “at the request of agents” And “two years before the eligibility age, i.e. from the age of 62“. Stanislas Guerini specifies that this system will take into account the “categories with earlier qualifying ages“. The Minister of Public Service also affirms that this reform, adopted through recourse to Article 49.3 of the Constitution, “probably worried officials less than the one that was in the works in 2019“. To justify this feeling, he evokes a rate of strikers “lower in 2023 than in 2019“.
Index seniors: the State is not concerned “because there is a guarantee of employment in the administrations”, justifies Stanislas Guerini
The Minister of Public Service judges “strange remark” by Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, president of the Medef who lamented on franceinfo on Monday the fact that the State is not concerned by the senior index provided for in the context of the pension reform. “In the administrations, there is a guarantee of employment (…), there is no loss of employment in the public service from a certain age“, justifies Stanislas Guerini. He believes that it is rather “progress on the good use of time, people and their energy” in order to fight against the “difficulties of attractiveness”.
Gender inequalities: “We are going to introduce an index of equal pay between women and men this summer”, promises Stanislas Guerini
“We are going to introduce this summer an index of equal pay between women and men in the public service“, promises Stanislas Guerini. This measure had already been announced on March 7 by the government on the occasion of the presentation of its new plan in favor of gender equality. This Thursday, the Minister of Public Service specifies the terms and in particular “the two types of possible sanctions“. Will thus be sanctioned “jurisdictions that do not publish the index and jurisdictions that do not improve their results“, explains Stanislas Guerini. In addition to the pay gaps, the minister also wants to work on improving parity in management positions. He pleads for a system “more ambitious than what had been established by the Sauvadet law” of 2012 which concerns parity in the senior civil service. Stanislas Guerini has set another objective: “I want that for all the positions that are decided by the government, we will be by the end of the five-year term at 50% of appointments between women and men“, he launches.
Banning TikTok on civil servants’ phones
While the government decided last Friday to ban recreational applications like TikTok on the work phones of state officials, Stanislas Guerini specifies that there is “derogations“for officials who”have professional use“, like those “who deal with the communication of a minister“.”We are going to adapt the phones so that we can make it impossible to download these applications“, he indicates.