Spring will keep coming

Spring may have officially arrived for more than a week, but Quebecers who are trembling with impatience at the idea of ​​taking out their barbecue and settling down on their terrace will have to wait a few more weeks.

After a surprisingly warmer than average month of March, the first half of April is likely to be colder than usual.

“To hope to have days regularly above 10 degrees, we will have to wait until the third week of April for southwestern Quebec. The forecasts tell us that the whole of April should be, on average, below the average for the season,” analyzed André Cantin, meteorologist at Environment Canada.

For the moment, no surge of hot air capable of bringing several days of heat in a row is expected. The mercury could well reach or exceed the 10 degree mark on a few occasions, notably at the beginning of next week in the metropolis, but will then plunge again.

Nevertheless, the maximum daytime temperature in Montreal goes from an average of 6 degrees Celsius at the beginning of April to 14 degrees Celsius at the end of the month. So, even if the temperatures stubbornly follow the seasonal normal, the days at more than 10 degrees will eventually arrive, philosophized Mr. Cantin.

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