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A few days before a vote which will decide the future of the self-service electric scooter in Paris, the government has already put forward new measures which would reinforce the safety of the drivers of these small machines.
Users who travel at full speed, sometimes several on the same scooter. Scenes that have become daily occurrences in large cities, sometimes causing accidents. “It has become anarchy in Paris, there is no longer any place for pedestrians”, denounces a resident of the capital. In 2022, serious accidents increased by 38%. To limit the dangers, the government is unveiling new measures.
A new set of recommendations
To drive an electric scooter, you will now have to be 14 years old, compared to 12 currently. The fines will be higher, they will increase from 35 to 135 euros if you are riding two on the same scooter or riding on a prohibited track. And these measures could even go further according to a road safety association: “You would almost need a full-face helmet”recommends Anne Lavaux, general delegate of the road prevention association. “Given the configurations of the falls, it is the entire face, including the face, that must be protected”, she says. Electric scooters are already banned in several cities in France, such as Toulouse or Nice.