Among the establishments which show good results in the rankings by performance indicators published by National Education today, the Travail-Langevin college, in Bagnolet, in Seine-Saint-Denis, which has relied on cultural mediation to advance His students.
When they arrive in sixth grade, the students of the Travail-Langevin college, in Bagnolet, in Seine-Saint-Denis, classified in priority education, have on average a fairly low level, especially in reading. Also, to help them progress, two teachers offer cultural mediation.
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“The idea is to read them a text for seven to eight minutes”, says Sébastien Marguet, who has been teaching French for nine years here. He explains that after this moment of reading and working on comprehension, the pupils discuss and summarize what they have retained. And debate, argue, listen. And it works, as evidenced by the good results of the establishment in the rankings by results indicators published on Wednesday March 29 by the National Education, which aim to promote the schools which make the most progress for their students. Among the criteria used: the success rate for the baccalaureate and the patent, but also the ability of the establishment to support its students, taking into account their educational level on arrival and the socio-economic background of the families.
“There is a lot of progress!notes, enthusiastic, the math teacher. We realized that the number of rewards increased, that the problems of school life decreased, that the class atmosphere was pacified in the relations between the students.
“Individually, they gain in confidence, they dare to speak more, they get on easily, girls and boys, together. There is a real common atmosphere!”
The math teacherat franceinfo
On the science side, young people can choose an option to do manipulations under the microscope, for example in two groups, which allows for more concrete work. Or choose to go to the orientation club with outside speakers, who introduce trades.
Teachers commit to their personal time
Nothing is obligatory: the basis of the proposal is voluntary work, as much for the pupils as for the teachers, who take on their personal time. “We have teachers who are extremely committed to offering new things to students, emphasizes Céline Boeschlin, the principal. We have students who have no school culture and whose cultural capital is not the same as in central Paris. We are therefore trying to make up for this cultural deficit: the teacher takes the students to museums or theaters and there is not a class that does not go out four or five times a year with the teachers…”
“We are trying to restore equal opportunities and it is a real choice of establishment, a political choice.”
Céline Boeschlin, principalat franceinfo
Thanks to all these projects, the results of the patent, even if they remain lower than the national average, are better than expected given the characteristics of the students. And this despite a lack of material and human resources, regret the teachers.