“We are in favor of retirement at 60, an increase in the Smic and all salaries, and measures for the sharing of wealth and tax justice.” LFI promotes common values with the CGT.
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The left parties will be in Clermont-Ferrand (Auvergne) this week for the national congress of the CGT. A usual meeting for the left but which takes on a particular resonance, in full contestation of the pension reform. La France insoumise, however cold with the union, will be there. “This presence expresses a strong desire for joint work between trade union and political organizations which share common objectives”, specifies LFI in a press release.
>> Pension reform – Follow our live.
The secretary general of the CGT, who will be replaced at the end of this week, has had tense relations with Jean-Luc Mélenchon for years. On February 19, on the set of BFMTV, Philippe Martinez even accused LFI and its former presidential candidate of “do not promote clarity of debate” on the pension reform and to want “appropriate the social movement to relegate the unions to the background”.
Listen to “the demands of the world of work”
Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not make the trip to Clermont-Ferrand but a delegation of members of LFI will be present, including the close friend of the former presidential candidate, Manuel Bompart. The coordinator of La France insoumise will be accompanied by Clémentine Autain, Aurélie Trouvé, Thomas Portes and Éric Coquerel.
La France insoumise ensures that it will take advantage of the congress to listen “the programmatic demands made by the world of work”. The party also underlines its common demands with the CGT: “We are in favor of retirement at 60, an increase in the Smic and all salaries, and measures for the sharing of wealth and tax justice.”