Richard Ramos, MoDem MP for Loiret, believes that the government must find a “new breath” as the protest against the pension reform continues, with several overflows.
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“I don’t know whether to dismiss the government, but we need a new team” reacted on franceinfo Richard Ramos, MoDem deputy for Loiret, while a new mobilization against the pension reform is planned for Tuesday March 28.
franceinfo: Olivier Véran believes that the pension reform has been democratically validated. Do you agree with him?
Richard Ramos: Olivier Véran is wrong to add fuel to the fire. You have to reconnect with the French people, you mustn’t be arrogant, you have to understand this people. We can’t do anything against him. You have to go listen. We have to work with the French people, we were wrong not to work with the intermediary bodies, in particular with the CFDT. It would be wrong to think that the people only have to listen to what we have to say. We cannot move a country forward in such difficult times without working with the people. Trying to find scapegoats is never the right method. We have to work with French citizens, not against them.
Emmanuel Macron will receive Elisabeth Borne and the majority executives this Monday. Should the government be fired?
I don’t know whether to dismiss the government, but we need a new team. It is the President of the Republic who will decide which team he has, but we can clearly see that we need a new lease of life. There are four years left in this five-year term and we have to find a new lease of life to be able to continue to move our country forward, otherwise we are on the verge of chaos. I don’t know if Elisabeth Borne can stay, it’s the president who will decide. We cannot stay as we are, something new is needed. This country must move forward, the necessary reforms must take place. The government has not been able to instil this kind of particular spirit that could make this reform go through. So, we need a new breath and I believe a new government.
The president asked Elisabeth Borne to constitute majorities in the National Assembly. Is it possible ?
It is possible, but the ministers still have to want it. Text by text, we have to see if we are able to do it. I’m not sure it’s just words, unfortunately.
The government seems to say that the pension reform is behind it. Is that the case ?
Retreats are deeper than that. We did not make an election campaign, we wanted to step over it and today we are paying a high price. The French, beyond retirement, it is their lives that are at stake. What new French model do we want? That’s what’s at stake and the French won’t forget it, we have to be careful because they won’t forget it at the ballot box. Be careful not to make a Marine Le Pen at the Elysée.