this draining massage makes you lose two kilos from the first session!

Have you ever started a diet or a food rebalancing, all coupled with the practice of sport… and not succeeded in lowering your weight on the scale? The fact of stagnation is not at all due to an error in your diet or in your fitness program but perhaps due to… water retention!
We often tend to forget that the elimination of water in the body is a very important point to “deflate”, to activate weight loss and quite simply to feel good.
Water retention: causes and consequences
Water retention can be caused by several factors namely: a diet too rich in salt, the fact of remaining in a sitting position for too long, lack of activity in the broad sense, malnutrition, pregnancy, taking certain medications such as those used against hypertension, but also the birth control pill and kidney pathologies…
The direct consequences are the appearance of edema and swelling in the knees and / or ankles, bloating, unexplained weight gain or an inability to lose weight despite regaining control.
Lymphatic drainage to fight against water retention
To drain the body’s lymph and thus reactivate the elimination of stagnant water, you must start by… drinking lots of water! Of course, you also need to exercise, walk, eat healthy and bet on some very beneficial boosts such as lymphatic drainage.
Lymphatic drainage is a massage technique that stimulates the circulation of lymph. It is a very precise massage that relies on rather energetic but gentle movements, carried out in the direction of the lymphatic circulation with variations in pressure to evacuate the water.

We tested lymphatic drainage at the “Les Jolies Pommettes” institute in Paris. Léa Krakovitch, the co-founder of the institute, trained in the famous specific Brazilian technique of lymphatic drainage Renata Franca which targets the problems of each person and is practiced with a view to well-being, detoxification of the body, and allows initiate or reinforce weight loss.

This invigorating and full body massage (legs, stomach and arms) drains the lymph to the iliac and retroclavicular inguinal lymph nodes and the Chyle cistern (the toxin evacuation zone). we come out of it much lighter and calmer. The following days, we directly see the immediate effects of the massage, namely: more desire to go to the toilet… and less two kilos on the scale! Depending on your needs, this massage should be performed once a month to obtain conclusive results over the long term. Finally, we note that it is suitable for pregnant women prone to water retention.

Lymphatic drainage Renata Franca method – LES JOLIES POMMETTES – from 120€ per session
8 rue du Lunain, 75014 Paris

Elizabeth Sall

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