“You don’t like it, you take your car!”, Estelle Denis settles her accounts with the SNCF on social networks, Internet users do not miss her!

Whether we accuse and tackle the SNCF or defend it, the result is the same. Quite often, criticism ensues. And Estelle Denis unfortunately paid the price… Indeed, this Thursday, March 23 marks an important day for France. During the day, hundreds of thousands of citizens will demonstrate and shout their anger against the pension reform. But also and above all against the use, once again, of 49.3 by Elisabeth Borne to pass this reform of “force”. A legislative weapon that she has already used eleven times since becoming Prime Minister.

In fact, with this day of general mobilization, many sectors are impacted and in particular the SNCF. Many trains have been canceled in recent hours as expected. And no one escaped it. The proof, with Estelle Denis, who had to face two cancellations as she announced on her Twitter account this Wednesday, March 22. “Thank you @SNCFVoyageurs for not charging me cancellation fees for 2 trains that you have deleted, it’s really super super mega generous of you….”she quipped on her personal account.

To see also: Daniel Riolo: the columnist of Estelle Denis without detour on the Hanouna / Boyard affair!

Estelle Denis tackles the SNCF … and is atomized

If some of his subscribers gave him reason and appreciated the irony, others did not fail to attack the ex of Raymond Domenech. By reproaching him in particular for complaining and never being happy. Or to make remarks contrary to those that she can make on her show “Estelle Noon” every day on RMC.

“The first to say on RMC ‘support for strikers’ and it complains when Madame’s train is canceled because of these same strikes. It would be a question of being consistent…”, for example, let a first Internet user know while another wondered what was the point of “put it on Twitter”. Another noted: “With fees, you yell. Without fees, you yell. You should know”. But the one who received praise from Carine Galli then faced much more virulent comments: “You don’t like it, you take your car!”, “The bourgeois who are ironic about the cancellation fees!!”, “You’re reimbursed so what are you yelling about!!! No, but it’s because of people like you that the SNCF is always being criticized!! Pfff”. The joys of the strike and give your opinion…


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