Did Emmanuel Macron calm the anger?


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

B.Six, Q.Gilles, E.Prigent, E.Jacquin, F.Guislain – France 2

France Televisions

Highly anticipated after strong days of mobilization against the pension reform, Emmanuel Macron’s speech was criticized by many French people.

With her husband, she had first planned to boycott the intervention of the President of the Republic. Virginie Auverchain is a nursing assistant in an Ehpad. At 2,000 euros per month with night shifts, she had never yet demonstrated. But this reform pushed him into the street. “He doesn’t put himself in the place of the French, he doesn’t know what a working life is like until he’s 65, he doesn’t realize. Me, I don’t see myself at 65 helping a elderly person almost my age”, she laments. Neither Emmanuel Macron’s arguments nor his few announcements softened his anger.

French people worried about their purchasing power

Beyond the reform, it is employment that is at the heart of the concerns. For a florist, Emmanuel Macron does not respond to the difficulties of the French. “I hear a lot of people telling me in the middle of the month ‘well there, we have more money. How are we going to do it? We would buy a little flower but it’s not possible for us’she points.

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