the vaccination schedule for 5-11 year olds becomes clearer



France 2

Article written by

C. Sinz, J. Benzina, L. Berbey, M. Czaplicki, J. Cohen-Olivieri – France 2

France Televisions

The most spectacular measure announced by the government on Monday December 6 is the opening of vaccination to children. The High Authority for Health had given its authorization last week to vaccinate children at risk. Now is the time to organize.

Vaccinate children to stop the epidemic. As in the United States or Israel, the French government is following the advice of the High Authority for Health on Monday, December 6. Children at risk can be vaccinated from December 15. The decision would affect around 360,000 young people aged 5 to 11. The government is going further and has established a schedule to expand immunization to six million children in this age group, subject to the advice of scientists. They will be able to receive a first dose from December 20 in the centers and then from December 27 in town.

This decision divides parents, but also health professionals. Extending immunization to all children is a good idea for the Prof. Philippe Amouyel: “It can prevent the explosion of cases we saw this week, and can reduce severe forms, which can be very important in children, although they are rarer”. For some pediatricians, on the other hand, it is necessary to wait before setting up the childhood vaccination on a voluntary basis. “We need more time before we know”, believes Christelle Gras-Le Guen, president of the Pediatric Society. Nearly two million doses of Pfizer are expected to be delivered in the coming days.

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