in France, one in four women suffers from a stroke



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

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The “Women and Stroke” collective revealed a shocking figure on Tuesday, March 21, as part of the launch of a prevention campaign. Journalist and doctor Damien Mascret explains on the set of 12/13 why it is the leading cause of death among women.

One in four women suffers a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) in France. The risk increases from the age of 25, with an adult age “around 70 years old” according to journalist Damien Mascret, who adds that “10% of women will have a stroke before the age of 45.“Some women are more at risk:”Those who had their first period at age 10 or earlier, those who had menopause before age 45 and those who during pregnancy had hypertension or diabetes.

Call the emergency services in case of stroke

To avoid having a stroke, Damien Mascret advises to “monitor your blood pressure and take treatment if you have hypertension (…) Avoid smoking, gaining weight, and then moving.“He also recalls the main symptoms:”Paralysis of an arm or a leg, deformation of the mouth or even difficulty in speaking.“In this case, call 15. And if the symptoms disappear, “it is necessary to consult because it is what is called a transient ischemic attack and it is often the prelude to a stroke.

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