“Oh no, we’re not going to talk about disabled children all week!”, guest in “TPMP”, Eric Zemmour makes serious accusations against the JT of France 2!

While the current government has a very bad reputation, the former presidential candidate Éric Zemmour does not hesitate to put himself forward. This Monday, March 20, 2023, he was thus present on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste” and Cyril Hanouna did not mince his words. “Frankly before, you had a great life, you were a hit on CNews, Le Figaro… Chronicles everywhere. Then you decided to get into politics… I’m sure you earn a lot less money now than before” a immediately launched the facilitator.

To which Éric Zemmour replied: “That’s for sure, if you want to tell me that I made sacrifices, that’s for sure…”. After ensuring that he was happy like that, he did not fail to mention his ever-present political ambitions: “I do not rule out being a candidate”. We recall that during the last ballot, the 64-year-old writer and his far-right party called “Reconquest” only won 7.2% of the vote…

See also:

Éric Zemmour gets loose on Twitter and swings about the France 2 channel
Faced with Cyril Hanouna and his columnists, Éric Zemmour returned to this time when he mentioned in a program on France 2, which according to him, poses a problem in the school universe at the moment. “The problem is the single college. We mix children of very different levels, so it prevents the good ones from being good because they get bored and the bad ones can’t keep up with the level. I also say than the obsession with inclusion which is the current problem…”

The writer then explained having received the testimony of a school teacher who told him that he had children with disabilities in his class but that he had not been trained to teach them well. Éric Zemmour would have replied that he understands his position and that inclusion is not always necessary. These remarks, taken out of context, then generated a lively controversy on social networks…
After re-establishing the truth regarding his remarks on disability, Éric Zemmour revealed on Twitter that he had tried to return to France 2 to clarify his statements, but the channel would have refused: “After the controversy over disabled children, my teams call France 2 asking for a right of reply. What do they answer us? “Oh no, we’re not going to talk about disabled children all week!” he wrote.


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