The crossing of the century | Seven theaters gathered around the work of Michel Tremblay

Seven theaters in the metropolis have decided to open their respective stages to present the river show The crossing of the centuryimagined by Alice Ronfard and articulated around the work of Michel Tremblay.

For three years, the director Alice Ronfard, helped for a while by the late André Brassard, went through the plays and novels of the man she nicknamed “Quebec Balzac”. She drew from it the raw material for a colossal reading-show of a dozen hours (intermissions included), which was presented only once in August 2022 at the Espace Libre.

For the 2023-2024 season, seven Montreal theaters have decided to add a full performance of The crossing of the century to their programming: Espace Libre, Center du Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui, Duceppe, Théâtre du Nouveau Monde, Théâtre de Quat’sous, La Licorne and Théâtre du Rideau Vert.

Never in history has a project brought together so many theater institutions in Montreal.

More than twenty performers will share the stage for the seven performances to come, including Emmanuel Schwartz, Céline Bonnier, Violette Chauveau, Dany Boudreault, Rachel Graton and Marie-Hélène Thibault.

For Alice Ronfard, these performances are the culmination of work started in 2019. “This work allowed me to reconnect with André Brassard, with whom I had informal meetings on this project. I reread Michel Tremblay’s novels and I went crazy! There were sticky notes everywhere in my house! At first, I didn’t even think the project was feasible on stage! “, explains the director during a press conference.

The future will prove her wrong. The crossing of the century was read for the first time at L’Espace Libre and then turned into a podcast (available on Radio-Canada’s OHdio platform.) This titanic work will now carry out a “crossing of the theaters of the city” and even be published at the end of the summer by Leméac editions.

With great emotion, Alice Ronfard recalled the day André Brassard told her that he no longer had the strength to continue the project. “He said to me: ‘I place this project within you.’ I felt all the responsibility incumbent on me to transmit the work of this great author, Tremblay, but also to transmit the work of Brassard. The latter bequeathed to me something that I in turn bequeath to theater directors. »


Aided by the late director André Brassard, Alice Ronfard worked for three years on developing the show.

The value of this project is not in the staging. It is in the speech, in the text, in our desire to say these important words. Tremblay is our mythology…

Director Alice Ronfard

For Alex Bergeron, who acted as dramaturgical advisor on the project and also participates as a performer, the word mythology is quite appropriate when referring to Tremblay’s characters. “When I read Tremblay, I feel like I’m being told my story, that of my grandparents, of my parents. Tremblay is my heritage. He talks about the emancipation of society as a whole, especially that of women and homosexuals. It addresses the weight of religion on a people. »

Actor Roger La Rue, who will also be on stage, adds: “It was while reading Tremblay that I wanted to do theatre. Brassard said he received news from the family each time Tremblay handed him a new novel, a new play. It’s so true ! And The crossing of the century is a happening unlike anything we know. When Alice talked about the journey through the city that this play will experience, I got chills. »

Sylvain Bélanger, artistic and general director of the Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui, attended the performance in August 2022. “I have never experienced anything like it. Twelve hours of theatre… It was beautiful and athletic. That day, I understood that I knew Tremblay, but in small pieces. Alice’s text will make it possible to forge several ties with the younger generations. »

For Lorraine Pintal, artistic and general director of the TNM, the decision to present the play is first and foremost an emotional decision. “I have an attachment to these three people who are Michel, Alice and André. This work must meet the public. It’s a unique event, especially since the text is defended by great actors and actresses! »

The representations of The Crossing of the Century will run from August 26, 2023 to June 29, 2024, depending on the venue. However, tickets will go on sale the same day, April 14. The price will be the same everywhere: $90 (including taxes and service charges.)

Schedule of performances

  • August 26, 2023: Today’s Theater Center
  • September 2, 2023: Espace Libre Theater
  • April 20, 2024: La Licorne Theater
  • May 25, 2024: Quat’sous Theater
  • June 8, 2024: Rideau Vert Theater
  • June 15, 2024: Duceppe
  • June 29, 2024: New World Theater

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