Documentary series | To better sip Quebec

With nearly 100 vineyards, about as many distilleries and hundreds of microbreweries, not to mention cider houses, mead houses and other small businesses producing artisanal alcohols, Quebec is clearly thirsty. And not only thirst for alcohol, but also for revolution, the revolution of “truth”!

A new documentary series broadcast on Historia since Wednesday focuses on the phenomenon. Directed by Nicolas Houde-Sauvé and produced by Picbois, thirst for revolution follows five “protagonists”. There is Simon Naud, owner of one of the first vineyards here, La Bauge, who has not been afraid to radically renew himself in recent years, working with the “living wine consultant” Steve Beauséjour (also in the series). We also discover the great creativity of the chief distiller of La Chaufferie, Vincent Van Horn, and the deep love of the terroir of mixologist Claudia Doyon, brand manager and bar manager for the distillery. In Granby, they produce 100% local, without any compromise.

Then the series testifies to the tireless investment in its community of the quartet of the microbrewery Les Grands Bois, which put the village of Saint-Casimir “on the map “. Mathieu Tessier is their sales manager and main spokesperson. To find out more about these industries, each of which is experiencing its hour of glory, but also many challenges, we will let ourselves be captivated by the 10 30-minute episodes, perhaps even with a drink in hand, on Wednesdays at 9:30 p.m. .

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