“If necessary, we will not hesitate” to requisition, warns Clément Beaune



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Guest of franceinfo on Monday, Clément Beaune, the Minister Delegate in charge of Transport indicates that the government will resort to the requisitions of refinery staff if the situation worsens.

“If it is necessary, we will not hesitate” to requisition, warns Clément Beaune, Minister Delegate in charge of Transport, on franceinfo Monday March 20, 2023, while the strike movement against the pension reform affects the refineries. “I do not want there to be requisitions, but if it were necessary, we will not hesitate to do so” And “it’s never light hearted” and it’s “always the last resort”, he added, recalling that the government had already done so last October. A measure that Clément Beaune justifies “to avoid economic and traffic blockage” from the country.

>> Fuels: “The shortage will intensify”, warns Emmanuel Lépine of the CGT

At this stage, about 4% of service stations in France are experiencing a shortage of diesel fuel as well as lead-free according to the Mobilians union. But the CGT ensures that the shortage will increase. “Of the six French refineries, all are currently experiencing a certain number of disturbances. This does not necessarily mean a complete blockage”recognizes the minister. “Local situations are more worrying than others, this is especially true in the Bouches-du-Rhône”he admits, where one in five stations is affected by a lack of fuel.

Clément Beaune points out that “anticipatory measures have been taken” by the government with in particular “a reconstitution of strategic stocks which are at a high level”. The latter must make it possible to supply the country with fuel for at least 90 days. According to the Minister, these measures have made it possible in recent days “to supply the petrol pumps”attributing shortage situations in places to the “stress” motorists.

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