Sandra Helleputte, beaten to death in 2015, the trial of her companion opens in Douai


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

P. Mauger, M. Vanlaton S. Gurak, C. Apiou – France 3

France Televisions

This Tuesday, March 14 opens in Douai (North) the trial of Hocine Hamoudi, tried for the murder of his partner Sandra Helleputte, beaten up in May 2015.

Tuesday, March 14, in the courtroom of the Assize Court of Douai (North), the children of Sandra Helleputte are installed, silent, their faces serious, the portrait of their mother in their hands. Thirteen years they have been waiting for the trial of his alleged murderer, Hocine Hamoudi, 35 years old today. On May 1, 2015, Sandra Helleputte, 41, was found beaten to death, her body naked, at her home in Hazebrouck (North). The autopsy revealed 143 lesions, including more than 20 fractures and deep stab incisions.

A succession of alerts and complaints

A woman massacred by her companion, despite a succession of alerts and complaints. Arrested the day after the tragedy, the man admits having hit her, but denies the rape. He was imprisoned, then released 18 months later for a procedural defect. In 2021, Hocine Hamoudi will return to prison for acts of violence against another of his companions. His trial will last four days, he faces life imprisonment.

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