talk to your doctor

In a few days, on March 22, Ramadan begins. This month of fasting, until April 21, can be difficult with chronic illnesses, such as diabetes.

Géraldine Zamansky, journalist for the Magazine de la Santé on France 5 today talks about fasting in Ramadan in cases of chronic illness such as diabetes. Ramadan begins on March 22, until April 21.

franceinfo: In case of diabetes, during fasting during Ramadan, the ideal is to be able to talk about it with your doctor?

Geraldine Zamansky: Absolutely. And this dialogue is improving, in particular thanks to the training of health professionals by the team of the University Health Center of Gennevilliers, in the suburbs of Paris, which includes Dr Martine Lalande, general practitioner. She explained to me that it was possible to get out of the old dogma of the systematic prohibition of fasting for diabetics. But with a first essential condition: this disease must be controlled.

That is to say, to put it very simply, with a controlled blood sugar level. When this is not yet the case, not eating for at least 12 hours creates a risk of diabetes imbalance, and should be avoided. Otherwise, fasting is possible provided you are well accompanied.

Really ? But there are normally medications to take during the day, right?

Indeed, and it is not possible to take medicine with water, during the fast. This also concerns many people who have chronic illnesses. Hence the importance of talking to your doctor, to see how to distribute the treatments in 2 doses, morning and evening. Faced with diabetes, it is sometimes necessary to replace one drug with another. And above all remember the importance of regular checks of blood sugar and blood sugar levels.

In case of fall during the day, hypoglycemia, the fast must be broken. Another threat is hyperglycemia. Dr. Lalande stresses the importance of keeping a good nutritional balance during these festive moments. Without hesitating to consult your doctor or nurse, to be followed during Ramadan.

And apart from diabetes, are there any risks for the elderly?

If their state of health allows it, Dr. Lalande insists on rest during the day. For having been often confronted with this question, the general practitioner recalls that the Koran exempts from fasting people who this would put in danger, because they have several chronic pathologies for example. Especially if the kidneys are affected, and you have to drink regularly. We therefore understand the importance of a good dialogue between the doctor, the patient and the family to secure this period.

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