discover the love compatibility of Guillaume Canet and Marion Cotillard!

They form one of the most essential couples in French cinema… Since 2007, the year they formalized their romantic relationship, Guillaume Canet and Marion Cotillard have never left each other. Parents of a little Marcel born in 2011 and a little girl named Louise born in 2017, the actor couple manage to reconcile professional and private life together… And when they find themselves on a family shoot, it’s is even better!

The proof, in “Asterix and Obelix: the Middle Empire”, a film directed by Guillaume Canet and in which he plays, Marion Cotillard also plays one of the main roles, that of Cleopatra, while their son Elder also makes an appearance. A great way to spend time with family while working! And if the couple is also welded, it is also because Guillaume Canet and Marion Cotillard are particularly well matched when we look at their astrological signs!

See also: Your Astro Love week!

A complementary couple

Born on April 10, 1973, Guillaume Canet is Aries while Marion Cotillard was born under the sign of Libra on September 30, 1975. Two opposite astrological signs, but which complement each other perfectly. And for good reason, Libra, an Air sign, has a calm and thoughtful temperament. A calm character that allows the bloodthirsty Aries, sign of Fire, to function in a much more reasoned way. Conversely, Aries is exactly the grain of madness needed in the life of calm Libra.

In summary, one brings to the other what he viscerally lacks… Probably the secret of this couple’s longevity!


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