attack on activists from the SOS Racisme association at Éric Zemmour’s meeting



France 2

Article written by

J. Debraux, R.Miri, L. Berbey, LL.Dao, J. Ababsa, J.Duboz, L. Barbier, JM-Perroux – France 2

France Televisions

Sunday December 5, scenes of violence took place during the meeting of Eric Zemmour in Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis). An investigation was opened by the Bobigny prosecutor’s office after the action carried out by SOS Racisme activists, violently attacked by participants.

During his first political meeting, Sunday, December 5 in Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis), Éric Zemmour, presidential candidate, has just started his speech when the scene escalates. Members of SOS Racisme, present in the assembly, display a slogan “no to racism” and are quickly taken to task. “I am here for peaceful action, I want to denounce the violence of racist speech”, testifies a member of the association, bloody.

According to SOS Racisme, twelve of its activists were injured. The association decided to file a complaint and accuses extreme right-wing groups present in the room. Once calm has returned, Eric Zemmour’s security service thanks the activists: “Without you it would have been complicated, you did the job.” Monday, December 6, the relatives of Eric Zemmour regret the excesses but they also criticize the actions of SOS Racisme. The Bobigny public prosecutor’s office (Seine-Saint-Denis) announces the opening of an investigation for acts of violence inside the room.

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