Increase in health transfers | Federal money must be used to fund home care, says FADOQ

(Montreal) Quebec must take advantage of the additional amount it will receive from the federal government in terms of health to increase funding for home care, in the budget to be tabled next Tuesday.

This is what the Réseau FADOQ advocates, which reminds us that staying at home to receive care is what most seniors want.

What is more, this represents savings for the government compared to the care provided in a health establishment, underlined the president of the Réseau FADOQ, Gisèle Tassé-Goodman, in an interview on Wednesday.

As for the future of the Quebec Pension Plan, the Réseau FADOQ hopes that the Minister of Finance will confirm in his budget that the minimum eligibility age for pensions under the Quebec Pension Plan will remain at 60 years.

Quebec had held consultations in February on the advisability of raising the minimum age of eligibility for these pensions from 60 to 62 years. But this idea had come up against opposition from the organizations that had testified.

The Réseau FADOQ brings together organizations representing seniors and has 525,000 members.

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