Is the consumer the only one to suffer from the price increase?



Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

V.Frédéric, S.Guibout, Z.Berkous, J.Pires – France 2

France Televisions

Inflation is close to 15% for food prices. But who benefits from it? While producers, manufacturers and supermarkets pass the buck, a report from the General Inspectorate of Finance estimates that all have rebuilt their margins on the backs of consumers.

On the shelves, impossible to miss. For months, prices have turned red, one after the other. For example, pasta has increased by 11% in one year, and sugar by 25%. In its latest report, the General Inspectorate of Finance makes an observation: “The food industry no longer contributes to absorbing price increases.“They have recorded more than 50% on their gross results since the beginning of the year. Clearly, the margins of manufacturers would be back in good shape.

The manufacturers involved?

According to an industrialist, the increase in margins observed at the end of the year would only be a return to normal. According to the leader of System U, its margins are already at their lowest. The price increases would be due to certain manufacturers. Trade negotiations between large retailers and manufacturers will reopen in June, instead of December. Large retailers intend to take advantage of this to obtain price reductions.

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