This Sunday, forty-five women from Quimperlé and the surrounding area participated in an introductory course in self-defense initiated by the town hall, in the extension of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The opportunity to discover the right actions to adopt in the face of an aggressor. #IlsOntLaSolution
How to react to physical, sexual or sexist assault? The municipality of Quimperlé, in Finistère, offered women a self-defense course. For a morning, they benefited from very practical advice, learned targeted defense gestures but above all left with more self-confidence. “Learning to defend yourself allows you to be more serene in mediation, to stress less when faced with the aggressor and to say to yourself: “I have the tools to defend myself”. There are plenty of vulnerable areas in a man. Even if he is muscular, no matter how thick he is, a man has tender points.“, explains Gwenael Fléjo, martial arts and self-defense teacher who leads these courses.
Forty-five women came to seek this confidence or these gestures which could possibly be useful to them if they found themselves in a delicate position. Among them, some have already been attacked, such as Estelle: “I felt helpless because I was facing someone who was almost two meters. I had the reflex to lock myself in, but I found myself really stupid to feel very small in front of him and not knowing what to do“.
A sign of the times, among the trainees, many young girls who have not lived through aggression or bad experiences but who anticipate, unfortunately convinced that they will no doubt be confronted one day or another: “When we’re students, we’re all alone and come home late, it can be useful“, explains Margaux.”These are notions that we don’t necessarily have, and with fear, I don’t know if I’ll be able to reproduce that“, adds her friend Enza. Hence the usefulness of these training courses to learn, very young, the gestures that can save.
Given the success of the operation, other introductory courses should be scheduled in the coming months. Defense courses which are multiplying all over the country.