In the footsteps of Giovanni Bellini, painter of the Renaissance, at the Jacquemart-André museum in Paris



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

C. Azzopardi, M. Hauville, J. Dhib – France 3

France Televisions

This is the first exhibition in France devoted to the great Venetian painter of the Renaissance, Giovanni Bellini, mentor of Titian. This exhibition which has just opened at the Jacquemart-André museum in Paris is an ode to color.

Venice, the Serenissima. Its palaces, churches, canals, and above all its painting, which revolutionized art in the 15th century thanks to Giovanni Bellini. The founder of the Venice school of art was then influenced by Byzantine icons. “He is a key figure in the evolution of art in Venice, and therefore in the evolution of art in Europe”specifies Pierre Curie, curator at the Jacquemart-André museum in Paris, where an exhibition is devoted to the painter for the first time.

A European influence

Bellini’s style is influenced by the Byzantine Virgins, tenderness in addition. It is also enriched by cultural exchanges with the Flemish painters who came to Venice with their oil paintings, whose Christian portraits at the height of a man catch the eye of the Venetians. Giovanni Bellini soaks up all styles and will give its color to Italian art, followed by his students, including Titian. He died at age 81. His longevity allowed him to be both a witness and an actor in the Renaissance.

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