addictive behavior among young people is declining


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

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In 2022, less than one in two young people had already smoked a cigarette at the age of 17, compared to three in five in 2017. Alcohol consumption is also decreasing. But they sometimes turn to new dangerous substances, warns Sandrine Aramon.

Will young people ban cigarettes, alcohol and cannabis? A recent study by the Observatory of Drugs gives results in this direction. “In 2022, less than one in two young people had already smoked a cigarette at the age of 17. They were three out of five in 2017”, notes journalist Sandrine Aramon. Nevertheless, the e-cigarette is popular: “On a daily basis, its use has been multiplied by six in five years.”

New drugs on the market

Whether it is regular or heavy consumption, alcohol is also less popular among young people. Regarding drugs, “if the use of cannabis falls by ten points between 2017 and 2022, other drugs have arrived on the market”, such as nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. Sandrine Aramon also warns about synthetic drugs “cheaper, whose effects are greater and less detectable. They flood the European market and rightly worry the authorities”.

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