Russians and Belarusians will be able to participate in the Wimbledon tournament in July, reported The Team, Friday. Players from both nations were banned from the prestigious English tournament last year, as well as from all tennis events taking place on British soil, in response to the invasion of Ukraine by their two countries.
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Their presence will be confirmed in the coming weeks, according to information from the French sports daily. It is the pressure exerted by the ATP and the WTA which would have made yield the Lawn Tennis Association, the equivalent of Tennis Canada in Great Britain.
Last season, in retaliation for the banishment of Russians and Belarusians, both the ATP and the WTA refused to award points to players who participated in the third Grand Slam round of the campaign.
As is the case in the other three major tournaments, athletes from both countries will play under a neutral flag. They will also be prohibited from demonstrating any support for the policies of Russia and Belarus.