Chinese interference: Justin Trudeau does not want the truth to be known

It looks more and more like secret Justin Trudeau.

The more time passes, the more we understand that the PM probably does not want to light the neon lights on Chinese interference in our democratic life. The truth does not interest him too much. She would risk embarrassing her party and him.


Justin Trudeau continues to play with words and the truth.

Take the latest revelations from Global News. It is revealed that reports on Chinese interference were produced by the Privy Council Office and the secret National Security Committee for the PM’s office.

Everything suggests that the PM’s entourage and Trudeau himself were informed of the existence of a network of support and funding to favor certain candidates, often Liberals. Last fall, however, the PM was unequivocal: he has “no information on this subject”. To this day he repeats this mantra, I saw nothing, knew nothing.

Either he plays on words, or he never wanted to know, or he lied.

Excessive partisanship, willful blindness or lying, you decide.

Now the PM is announcing an overflow of investigations and recycling old measures.

None gets to the heart of the matter: what the PM knew, how his government subsequently reacted.

Good way to drown the fish, we remain on the periphery of the actions – or inactions – of the government. It does not concern us, according to the PM.

It also announces a “special rapporteur”, headed by a “prominent Canadian”. We are reassured. Above all, it allows him to save time, hoping that the dust will settle.

Public survey ?

We initially believed in a casualness of PM Trudeau.

Or to his former benevolence towards the Chinese regime, which has long been seen as an Eldorado to be conquered.

Perhaps it is time to consider another hypothesis: a simple and cold political calculation. It is better that it is not known too much. Canadians don’t have to know. Democracy, elections, it’s him.

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