COVID-19 has claimed seven more lives in Quebec

The death toll linked to COVID-19 continues to increase day by day in Quebec, with seven new Quebecers who have lost their lives as a result of the disease, according to the new government report.

Of the seven deaths reported on Thursday, only one occurred in the past 24 hours. Two deaths date back to two to seven days and four to more than seven days.

Since the start of the pandemic, 18,160 Quebecers have died after contracting the disease.

In the hospital network, things have stabilized relatively in the last hours, with a drop of seven patients. In total, there are 1,334 hospitalizations, including 453 due to the disease.

In intensive care, 32 people were treated in this unit, including 16 specifically for the disease, which represents an increase of one patient since the day before.

The number of cases also remains stable at 446, but remember that this data does not really allow us to measure the extent since access to screening centers is limited. Quebecers also reported 37 positive rapid tests on Wednesday.

On the vaccination side, 2,503 new doses were administered on Wednesday.

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