A Koh-Lanta star between life and death after injections!

This Wednesday, March 8, 2023, Cassandre Girard, emblematic candidate of Koh Lantatook over its social networks in order to tell a terrible story to its subscribers. “A year ago, something really rare and unlucky happened to me. I almost lost my sight and my life”, she began. A few years ago, the young woman passed under the expert hands of a plastic surgeon in order to undergo a nose operation. Unfortunately, not everything went as planned. “I avoided meeting people, taking pictures, looking at my reflection, avoiding talking about the fact that I had had surgery, even though it was more than obvious”confided the adventurer.

Convinced that injections of hyaluronic acid would be the solution to her problems, the pretty brunette decided to take the plunge. “I jumped on it straight away. It gave me hope and felt like a safe option to solve my problem”. At first conquered by the result, she returned, shortly after, to the doctor for a touch-up. Retouching which will end up turning into a tragedy since two red spots will appear in his eyes. “At this point I start to lose my sight. My vision is blurry, the spots are getting bigger”she says.

See also:

The hyaluronic acid had traveled through a blood vessel”

Once in the emergency room of the hospital in Sydney, Australia (where she lives, editor’s note), the doctors are busy in order to remove the product. “The hyaluronic acid had traveled through a blood vessel into my brain, impairing my optic nerve. The very fact that I could still see was due to the cosmetic nurse injecting me with the antidote minutes after that. happened. As the product had crossed my brain, I was at risk of having a stroke”.

And to continue: “I kept going back to the hospital every few weeks for tests, and the doctors couldn’t believe it.” Fortunately, Cassandra will eventually regain her sight.The doctors decide to bring together a full panel, across Australia, of surgeons, doctors, professors, etc. to discuss setting up a protocol that could help people in my situation achieve the same result as me. To this day, we firmly believe that acting quickly is what saved me.”. A chilling story!


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