a company delivers organic products to canteens



Video length: 3 mins.

France 2

Article written by

S.Broomberg, X.Roman, C.Pary, C.Brunet, F.Fontaine – France 2

France Televisions

To save money and take care of the planet, “Les Marmites Volantes” has decided to reinvent meals in canteens. With them, children love vegetables.

Not a minute to lose for delivery man Léo Fouassier: his cargo is hot. Every day, he makes the rounds of schools in the Paris region. In his cargo bike, he transports meals from the canteen. AT the arrival, the protocol is minute in order to keep the right temperature. In a few minutes, the meals are served. This afternoon, vegetarian menu: soup, pizza and salad. “We are happy to be able to offer them meals that are healthy, varied, from short circuits, from organic farming.e”, explains Éloïse Rochers, director of the Montessori Mae C. Jemison school in Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis).

Fresh and seasonal products

Meals are made in the central kitchen of “Marmites Volantes”. The products are fresh, seasonal, and from local producers. The salad is washed twice, to meet hygiene standards. Julie Bastin, chef, prepares 1,200 meals a day with her team. His challenge? Make vegetables attractive to children. In the meals, there are 65% organic, vegetarian dishes and meat or fish twice a week. They are charged 7 euros to families.

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