patients heated on medical prescription because of inflation


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

M.September, L.Soudre, C.Dubrul – France 2

France Televisions

In England, soaring energy prices are pushing the most disadvantaged to stop heating at all. To remedy this difficulty, doctors offer to prescribe prescription heating.

Less than ten degrees outside and not much more inside the houses. Faced with soaring energy prices, more than one in three Britons are simply forced to turn off the heating. A situation so critical that doctors now prescribe prescription heating to their most fragile patients. Suffering from a form of severe asthma aggravated by the cold, Joshua Goral, a father, benefits from a medical prescription for heating, which allows him to have his home heated to 21 degrees against 15 to 18 degrees previously. A difference that allows him to stay out of the hospital.

Medical appointments that explode in the face of inflation

Benefiting from financial assistance, Joshua Gorral receives 55 euros per month. “There is less mold in the house, I have fewer lung infections. Now I live my life rather than worrying about my life”, he testifies. With inflation, doctors in Britain have seen the number of patients with illnesses from unheated homes skyrocket. According to a study, they would cost more than a billion euros per year to the English health system.

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